Being Female

This post was prompted by a story from a friend under the same title. here is a link to her story…

And now back to mine…

Sex is a powerful motivator for men. It has been a source of oppression, a tool for subjugation and manipulation. I may not know exactly how it started but it has always been a part of culture. Closely linked to motivation and reward systems for men, for their emasculation and to paint a picture of their seeming superiority.

Fast forward to this 21st century, one would think with the advancement of ideas and much change in thinking about our former ways we would see women differently to treat them differently us we did but clearly that’s not the case.

Cocooned in my own small world I would have never come to the knowledge that being female was such an ordeal. When I was younger I didn’t see the problem with some male behaviours, the catcalling and light touching, towards females until I obviously knew better. I had to hear stories from my sisters before I realized that there was something wrong with how men related with the opposite sex because I wasn’t doing all of that and this is not to excuse myself. It was probably due to my naivety then and a lack of opportunity.

I have heard stories of rape that resulted from abuse of trust, I have covered a story of groping in public spaces and this is all to say there is a prevalent rape culture in our society that is menacing to the physical and emotional freedom of women.

Being female should not be a crime with the arbitrary policing by men. Being female should not call for harassment. Being female should not justify entitlement to female body or person. Being female does not translate into being followed home or being chased because you refused to be catcalled. Being female should be respected and given freedom to just be that.

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